전체 515

Mother Goose in Prose

L. Frank Baum | epubBooks | 0원 구매
0 0 2,138 26 0 0 2010-04-23
If you have never heard the legend of Gilligren and the King's pie, you will scarcely understand the above verse; so I will tell you the whole story, and then you will be able to better appreciate the rhyme. Gilligren was an orphan, and lived with an uncle and aunt who were very unkind to him. They cuffed him and scolded him upon the slightest provocation, and made his life ..

The Marvelous Land of Oz

L. Frank Baum | epubBooks | 0원 구매
0 0 1,992 26 0 0 2010-04-23
In the Country of the Gillikins, which is at the North of the Land of Oz, lived a youth called Tip. There was more to his name than that, for old Mombi often declared that his whole name was Tippetarius; but no one was expected to say such a long word when "Tip" would do just as well. This boy remembered nothing of his parents, for he had been brought when quite young to be ..

The Marvelous Land of Oz

L. Frank Baum | epubBooks | 0원 구매
0 0 1,992 26 0 0 2010-04-23
In the Country of the Gillikins, which is at the North of the Land of Oz, lived a youth called Tip. There was more to his name than that, for old Mombi often declared that his whole name was Tippetarius; but no one was expected to say such a long word when "Tip" would do just as well. This boy remembered nothing of his parents, for he had been brought when quite young to be ..

The Pink Fairy Book

Andrew Lang | epubBooks | 0원 구매
0 0 1,321 44 0 0 2010-04-23
Once upon a time there lived a cat of marvellous beauty, with a skin as soft and shining as silk, and wise green eyes, that could see even in the dark. His name was Gon, and he belonged to a music teacher, who was so fond and proud of him that he would not have parted with him for anything in the world. Now not far from the music master's house there dwelt a lady who possess..

The Pink Fairy Book

Andrew Lang | epubBooks | 0원 구매
0 0 1,321 44 0 0 2010-04-23
Once upon a time there lived a cat of marvellous beauty, with a skin as soft and shining as silk, and wise green eyes, that could see even in the dark. His name was Gon, and he belonged to a music teacher, who was so fond and proud of him that he would not have parted with him for anything in the world. Now not far from the music master's house there dwelt a lady who possess..

The Violet Fairy Book

Andrew Lang | epubBooks | 0원 구매
0 0 1,295 39 0 0 2010-04-23
Long, long ago there stood in the midst of a country covered with lakes a vast stretch of moorland called the Tontlawald, on which no man ever dared set foot. From time to time a few bold spirits had been drawn by curiosity to its borders, and on their return had reported that they had caught a glimpse of a ruined house in a grove of thick trees, and round about it were a crowd..

The Violet Fairy Book

Andrew Lang | epubBooks | 0원 구매
0 0 1,295 39 0 0 2010-04-23
Long, long ago there stood in the midst of a country covered with lakes a vast stretch of moorland called the Tontlawald, on which no man ever dared set foot. From time to time a few bold spirits had been drawn by curiosity to its borders, and on their return had reported that they had caught a glimpse of a ruined house in a grove of thick trees, and round about it were a crowd..

The Crimson Fairy Book

Andrew Lang | epubBooks | 0원 구매
0 0 1,590 39 0 0 2010-04-23
There was once a king's son who told his father that he wished to marry. 'No, no!' said the king; 'you must not be in such a hurry. Wait till you have done some great deed. My father did not let me marry till I had won the golden sword you see me wear.' The prince was much disappointed, but he never dreamed of disobeying his father, and he began to think with all his migh..

The Crimson Fairy Book

Andrew Lang | epubBooks | 0원 구매
0 0 1,590 39 0 0 2010-04-23
There was once a king's son who told his father that he wished to marry. 'No, no!' said the king; 'you must not be in such a hurry. Wait till you have done some great deed. My father did not let me marry till I had won the golden sword you see me wear.' The prince was much disappointed, but he never dreamed of disobeying his father, and he began to think with all his migh..

The Orange Fairy Book

Andrew Lang | epubBooks | 0원 구매
0 0 1,431 36 0 0 2010-04-22
Once upon a time, at the town of Senna on the banks of the Zambesi, was born a child. He was not like other children, for he was very tall and strong; over his shoulder he carried a big sack, and in his hand an iron hammer. He could also speak like a grown man, but usually he was very silent. One day his mother said to him: 'My child, by what name shall we know you?' And ..

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